A number of weeks ago, I received news that one of the dogs we have looked after was very poorly. his owners were providing him with palliative care. he sadly had aggressive lymphoma. The dog was Bob, the working cocker spaniel.

Bob was there right at the start of the Cambridge Dog Lodge. I would actually say he was one of the founding members! Bob came whilst his family was on holiday in 2013 and it was the start of a beautiful friendship.

Bob was exactly what a working cocker should be: active, excited, happy and obedient when out, and the perfect cuddle monster whilst in the house. Lets not forget the happiest, waggiest tail, we have ever seen (and yet to be beaten!).

When he wasn't boarding, walking or on daycare with us, he was out on the moors or in the mountains running marathon distances. Along with agility training and lots of chill out time sleeping on the sofa. Bob had a life any dog, as as well as most humans, would envy.

All dogs just loved Bob. And when I say love, I mean lurve! Dogs just loved him, they couldn't resist him. But who could blame them? He was a very happy lovely lad.

A few years ago, Bob got a brother in the form of Murphy. Bob and Murphy made a great team. It was no surprise though because everyone just loved Bob so much. If you didn't like Bob, then actually the problem was firmly with you or the other dog.

Sadly at the end of July, Bob passed away peacefully. He was 12 years old. He left a huge hole in his families life and hearts. And to be honest, he left a huge hole here within our family too. Bob was a massive part of the structure and make up of the Dog Lodge and helped us to create who we are and the service we provide. He taught us a great deal and about dogs and his breed.
Bob will always be in our hearts and we will always be in his debt.
Love you Bob Dog x